Enthymemes and Synecdoches



This post of Tumblr showed up on my dash while I was working on things for this class at lunch. Reminded me of a number themes of visual rhetoric. For example, in the first post, the person responded to the theoretical situation with the image and comment. It is visual synecdoche to make their point. Since they don’t directly state said point, that would make it an enthymeme as well. When the poster responds to the negative comments their first post received, they use the same tactics. The screen shots are from the two commenter’s About Me’s pages. They leave a rather disturbing conclusion to jump too, and the picture of the popular Phone Guy meme photoshopped over the police station is a great visual response showing how they feel about it.

One thought on “Enthymemes and Synecdoches

  1. I have you down for three posts this round, Julia, but you can make them up if you get them finished before the next round are due. I suggest you use them to work on getting a draft of your visual story/graphic narrative.

    With this post, it would be best to actually embed the image into your post rather than give a link. From there, you can analyze something from the image related to rhetoric and argument–going into more detail than you have here.


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