Fight Story- First Edit

At the end of the 2000s, there was a group of friends that identified themselves as the “weird” folk. This group of friends played D&D Friday nights, watched anime, and bad-mouthed their school’s sports teams, mostly because they had bought into the Jocks-vs.-Nerds mentality.

Well, the little brother of one member of the group was one such jock. He was on the school football team, strong for his size (he was a little taller than 5’6″ at the time), and very hot-headed.

So one Friday, they were hanging out. The brother, Alex, came home from the game he’d played, already in a funk. He stormed in the door and slammed it. The member of the group who lived in the home being used asked her grandmother, who had followed him in, what was up. “He’s just upset because they lost the game tonight.” Pretty simple. He stormed up to his room and the resident group member went back to her friends and relayed the information.

As was said, they played up the trope, so they got into a little bit of a joke session, trading jibes at jocks and football players in general. It was just for their amusement, not intended to be some dig at the younger brother, but he overheard them on the stairs.

So down comes Alex, face red and fists balled up. He demanded they repeat what they’d said to his face. Now, the friends, they weren’t pushovers. All of them, with the exception of Julia, the friend whose house this story takes place in, exceeded 6′, and most of them had self-defense training of some sort. So, rather than feel threatened, the guys were just bemused. One decided to inform Alex of this little detail.

He was not as amused.

His threatening tone grew to actual threats, and one friend, a 6’5″ guy named Chance, stood up and told him to leave us be. Alex responded with a punch to the face. Chance barely moved at the blow, but his glasses had been knocked off. Around the table, a few other guys stood up. Julia was shocked and, to be honest, terrified. She’d never been in a fight or witness to one. Before she could get an adult, Chance and another friend, the one who’d spoken up before named Easton, had sandwiched Alex between them, effectively pinning him.

Alex started to yell, and that alerted the “authorities” faster than I could have. My grandfather entered the room, face dark, and ordered him to stand down. Alex spat back insults and continued trying to get free to continue the fight. My grandfather ordered the boys away, yanking Alex back from them at the same time. They backed up, and a few yells were exchanged between Julia’s family members.

Then, faster than anyone could really process, Alex lunged at his, and Julia’s, grandfather. Now, this man is 70+ but still works full-time as an electrician, he’s not some frail little man. Despite his health, it was still shocking how fast he moved. One moment the little brother was throwing a fist at my grandfather, and the next he was eating the carpet, pinned down and helpless.

One thought on “Fight Story- First Edit

  1. Some vivid description here. I think this could also be interesting if you return to this and edit it into a third-person story. Who is our narrator? Also, this will create this into a piece of fiction. With that, you may embellish things or not.


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